Ancient Flying Machines, Past Life, Sci-Fi, Time, UFO
What If We’re Not the First? The Case for Pre-Ice Age Civilizations
Human history is a funny thing. Every generation thinks they have it all figured out, only for some archaeologist with a brush and an attitude to come along and ruin everything with a new discovery. The theory that an advanced civilization existed before the last Ice Age, only to be wiped from history like an… Read More
Sci-Fi, UFO, Uncategorized
Travis Walton Abduction
Even with the police’s doubts about the abduction, word spread quickly and soon Snowflake Arizona was host to news reporters, ufologists, and spectators who were all interested in Walton’s story. Perhaps one of the greatest cornerstones of the science fiction world is that of life on other planets. The idea that we are not alone… Read More
UFO and Alien Sightings
If The Universe is Teeming with Life, Why Haven’t We Seen Aliens? What If They Communicate on a Different Level? The Most Sightings are Washington, Montana, Vermont, Alaska, and Maine. Perhaps one of the greatest cornerstones of the science fiction world is that of life on other planets. The idea that we are not alone… Read More
Sci-Fi, Supernatural, UFO
Reasons To Believe in UFOs
The Government Believes Enough to Spend Billions of Dollars The Vastness of Space Life Can Take Many Forms Reasons to Believe When the debate about UFO’s, Aliens, and life on other planets is brought up, there are always a plethora of views on the subject, with some people getting very heated in the discussion. The… Read More
Mystery, Sci-Fi, UFO
Close Encounters – Sightings and Abductions
Close Encounters of the First Kind - CE1 Close Encounters of the Second Kind - CE2 Close Encounters of the Third Kind - CE2 In continuing to look at events that have shaped my science fiction writing, today I’m looking at a scale that has been devised to rate the encounter of an Alien experience.… Read More