Adventure, Inspiration, Motivation, Philosopher's Stone, Sci-Fi
Philosopher’s Stone
Called ‘The Sweat of the Sun’ by the ancient Incas, since the dawn of time, man has searched for and conquered in the pursuit of gold. From the hoarded stashes in Paleolithic caves dated to 40,000 years old to the mega-vaults that secure tons of the shiny metal holding the wealth of nations, gold has constantly been one of the most sought after metals in history. Cities and countries have been built and destroyed on gold rushes and gold busts, but for those that don’t want to go through the long, expensive, and hard process of mining or panning for gold, is there another way to get the valuable substance? Almost since the discovery of gold itself, there has been a quest to find the Philosopher’s Stone, that rare stone that will turn any base metal into gold.
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