Author, Books, Inspiration, Novel, Story Formula, Story Telling, Writing
How to be a Better Writer Part II
Giving a group of characters their own unique voice that isn’t just a slight variation on your voice is difficult to do. We speak, think and write in our own voice so trying to write in a different voice is like an actor assuming the identity of the character he’s playing. The tricky thing in writing is that we need to do this with an entire cast of characters, not just one role. As a writer, how do you separate out all the different voices in a novel when there are going to be anywhere from a few people to larger groups?
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How to be a Better Writer
The first tip to improve your writing is to read more. Turn off social media blurbs and read real and deep content. Read books, read short stories, read articles, read blogs and read anything that requires extra thinking on your part. The more you read the more you will absorb the writing process. Find books that are similar and notice how authors use different ways to describe the same thing.
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Beginning the Writing Process
There’s no one way that’s right or wrong for writing a book. Everyone’s style is going to be different and as you progress in your writing career your style will most likely change. You’ll learn things along the way, develop new habits, and change your process to keep things moving. A fast paced action novel is written very differently than a romance novel, which is also very different than an economic book. No one style will work for all genera’s of literature. What I’m going to discuss here is general guidelines that can help you get started. You need to discover the style that works for you.
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How To Find More Time To Read
In our modern world full of gadgets and connected devices, reading can sometimes be placed in the background as an afterthought rather than a priority. However, the benefits of reading are many, so are there ways to find more time to read?
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Potential Sources of Inspiration For A Story
As a novelist, I’m often asked where my inspiration comes from. The answer is usually more complex than can be explained in a brief sentence. As any artist, writer, poet, or musician can attest to, inspiration abounds all around us. Muses exist in many places and often overlap to create deeper meanings and layers of intricacy.
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