Ghost Town, Novel, Revenge, Story Telling, Whiterock, Writing
Tesla Sisters
Continuing with my blogs focusing on the ‘Ghost Town’ novel series, this blog will look at the two sisters in the book, Michelle and Madison Tesla. Both of these women play big roles within the series, staying with the story from start to finish. Both women are strong and intense, determined and active with a feminine side that they try to keep hidden.
Read MoreDoctor Victor Tesla, Ghost Town, Ghost Town Labs, Novel, Revenge, Whiterock
Ghost Town Labs
In continuing with my Q & A blogs about the ‘Ghost Town’ series of novels, this blog will focus on the fictional company in the series, Ghost Town Labs. Have you even seen a company that just seems to do what it wants, doesn’t care at all for the rules, and somehow, just pushes others around? That’s the inspiration that I used for Ghost Town Labs.
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Ethan Drew
Continuing with the ‘Ghost Town’ themed blogs, which I’m still taking questions for, today I’m going to write about the main character in the first book, Ethan Drew. The first novel is seen through the eyes of Ethan, narrated from his journal. Ethan has no idea what he’s in for when he first arrives in Whiterock nor does he put the pieces together very quickly. The mystery surrounding the area engulfs him to the point that Ethan’s fate is intertwined with that of Whiterock.
Read MoreDoctor Victor Tesla, Ghost Town, Ghost Town Labs, Motivation, Revenge, Whiterock
Doctor Victor Tesla
I’ve received some great feedback about my blog discussing my ‘Ghost Town’ series of novels. Many of you have written in questions about different aspects of the books and while I try to answer as many as I can, I won’t be able to get to all of them. From the beginning of the ‘Ghost Town’ series I’ve planned on having nine novels total, releasing three per year over the course of three years, and currently, I’m on track to have that goal completed
Read MoreGhost Town, Nature, Novel, Seasons, Story Telling, Whiterock
Ghost Town Q&A Part 1
Since I’ve started writing and getting my novels published, I’ve had many people asking me questions about my ‘Ghost Town’ series of books. Through email, Facebook, and in person, there has been a great deal in interest in my writing projects. I thought I would take my next few blogs and write answers to some of the most common questions that I’ve been receiving. If you have any questions about the books, feel free to ask and I’ll answer them in the upcoming blog entries.
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Autumn is one of the most wonderful times of the year. The trees are a mosaic of amazing colors, the reds, yellows, and oranges, the air is crisp and fresh, and the aromas of harvest fill the air. It’s one of the things that I enjoy most, Minnesota in the full grip of the fall season. With the abundance of State Parks, forests, and campgrounds, the beauty of fall in Minnesota is easy to capture and enjoy. Whether you decide to hike down one of the many trails throughout the state, or bike along the roads, or even canoe down the lakes and rivers, Minnesota is a nature lover’s paradise.
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