Amazon, App, Author, Book Review, Books, Future Trends, Novel, Reading, Sci-Fi, Smart Phone, Smartphone, Speed Reading, Technology, Time
Digging Into the Past to Write the Future
Hey there, fellow sci-fi and speculative fiction fans! As I hunker down to finish up my latest book—set to hit shelves this summer (more on that soon!)—I’ve been diving into research for my next project. That’s the best part of writing, isn’t it? The rabbit holes you fall into along the way, each one brimming… Read More
Benefits of Reading, Reading, Speed Reading, Technology
Is Speed Reading Really Possible?
Speed reading — the act of reading extremely quickly in order to cover many sentences and words at once — has become a somewhat controversial topic in recent years.
In the past, there was a time when speed reading was considered a skill for the super intelligent or business savvy. However, lately the skill has been questioned by some as causing reduced comprehension. A slow reading movement has begun. The slow reading proponents encourage deeper thinking and taking as much time as is needed to fully comprehend the written materials. There are also supposed benefits to slow reading such as curbing stress and improving brain neural connections.
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