Amazon, App, Author, Book Review, Books, Future Trends, Novel, Reading, Sci-Fi, Smart Phone, Smartphone, Speed Reading, Technology, Time
Digging Into the Past to Write the Future
Benefits of Reading, Books, Novel, Reading
Why We Need the Novel
Amazon, Books, Reading, Sci-Fi
Navigating the Multiverse: Feasible Methods of Interdimensional Travel
Amazon, Books, Reading
The Steps to Publishing
Author, Books, Hero's Journey, Inspiration, Motivation, Novel, Reading, Sci-Fi, Story Formula, Story Telling, Writing
Ideas for Writing
When authors start writing they have that one great concept in mind. The finished book will be near and dear to them, a culmination of effort put into writing a full length novel. I would caution against starting with your prized work. I have seven published novels and will be releasing five more this year yet I still haven’t started working on the concept that got me into writing. I have it outlined and plenty of notes on it, but I am developing my work and my writing style before tackle my big project.
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How Much to Write
It is amazing how often I hear young writers, people who’ve never had anything published, point to the small handful of people who had a first novel get picked up or wrote one book that became a successful movie. These young writers think that they can produce one book and achieve the same results. This small handful of writers are the exceptions, not the rules. As I detailed in a previous blog, for every first novel published and every single book author you point to I can point to thousands of people who had a first book that didn’t even get looked at by a publisher.
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