Author, Books, Inspiration, Novel, Story Formula, Story Telling, Writing
Beginning the Writing Process
There’s no one way that’s right or wrong for writing a book. Everyone’s style is going to be different and as you progress in your writing career your style will most likely change. You’ll learn things along the way, develop new habits, and change your process to keep things moving. A fast paced action novel is written very differently than a romance novel, which is also very different than an economic book. No one style will work for all genera’s of literature. What I’m going to discuss here is general guidelines that can help you get started. You need to discover the style that works for you.
Read MoreMovies, Novel, Sci-Fi, Story Telling
How Sci-Fi Has Changed Since the 1950s
Looking at my library shelves and streaming video collections, it’s interesting to note some of the common themes and styles in Sci-fi over the ages.
For purposes of this blog post, I have focused mainly on American Sci-fi. It’s what I’m most familiar with and influenced by, but of course 21st century Sci-fi tends to offer a more global perspective, due to our interconnected global communications.
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How To Find More Time To Read
In our modern world full of gadgets and connected devices, reading can sometimes be placed in the background as an afterthought rather than a priority. However, the benefits of reading are many, so are there ways to find more time to read?
Read MoreBenefits of Reading, Inspiration, Novel, Writing
4 Studies Showing The Benefits Of Reading
For avid readers, it seems intuitive that reading yields wonderful benefits. However, there are also several studies providing scientific data to support these claims. Take a look and then get started on a new favorite novel!
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Future Trends in Sci-Fi
Sci-fi is an exciting genre of fiction because it embraces worlds of imagination full of exotic beings, places, and things. Sci-fi fans are always interested in the quirky, the mysterious, the strange, and the impossible. Various points in history have taken more or less to certain Sci-fi topics and ideas. Here are my predictions on future trends to look for in Sci-fi novels in the coming months and years.
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5 Elements Of A Good Adventure Novel
Adventure novels are an exciting form of literary entertainment. This type of fiction often takes readers to faraway and unusual locations (real or imagined) while providing a strong sense of yearning to find out what happens next.
Stories of adventure can range from bank robberies to government conspiracies to mystery detectives and exotic treasure hunts to heroic rescues. Although many people would not actually want to participate or be a by-stander in such situations, experiencing them through the imagination is very alluring.