Amazon, App, Author, Book Review, Books, Future Trends, Novel, Reading, Sci-Fi, Smart Phone, Smartphone, Speed Reading, Technology, Time
Digging Into the Past to Write the Future
Hey there, fellow sci-fi and speculative fiction fans! As I hunker down to finish up my latest book—set to hit shelves this summer (more on that soon!)—I’ve been diving into research for my next project. That’s the best part of writing, isn’t it? The rabbit holes you fall into along the way, each one brimming… Read More
Amazon, Books, Reading, Sci-Fi
Navigating the Multiverse: Feasible Methods of Interdimensional Travel
The concept of interdimensional travel has long captured the imagination of scientists, writers, and dreamers alike, offering a tantalizing glimpse into realms beyond our own. In the realm of theoretical physics, the multiverse theory suggests the existence of countless alternate dimensions, each with its own unique laws of physics and possibilities. Throughout my over decade… Read More
Amazon, Books, Reading
The Steps to Publishing
Writing a complete novel is Herculean task that, at times, seems impossible. To stare at a completely blank page with nothing but your imagination to guide you scares many people from even trying to write that novel they’ve been thinking about. Throughout my over decade in the literature community as a published author, I’ve actively… Read More
Amazon, Book Review, Reading
A Few Great Book Review Blogs
Before I commit to purchasing a book from a previously unknown or unknown-to-me author, I like to read a review or two. Although a poor review will not always deter my choice, I do prefer to be prudent with my spending. Here’s my selection of some of the most helpful book review sites.
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